Editorial Boards and Committee Members
Senior Editor of the IEEE Systems Journal (Since July 2020)
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (since November 2018)
Associate Editor of the IEEE Control Systems Letters (since June 2017).
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (since December 2014).
Electricity Cluster Chair of the INFORMS Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment, 2017-2018.
Conference Editorial Board (CEB) Associate Editor for European Control Association (since July 2013).
Conference Editorial Board (CEB) Associate Editor for IEEE Control Systems Society (since July 2013).
Guest Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; Special issue: “Distributed Control and Efficient
Optimization Methods for Smart Grid”, 2016-2017.
Publicity Chair for ACM e-Energy Conference 2019
Associate Editor for 58th Conference on Decision and Control 2019
Associate Editor for European Control Conference 2019
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2019
Associate Editor for 57th Conference on Decision and Control 2018
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2018
Associate Editor for European Control Conference 2018
Associate Editor for 56th Conference on Decision and Control, 2017.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for ACM e-Energy Conference, 2017.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, 2017.
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2017.
Associate Editor for 55th Conference on Decision and Control 2016.
GlobalSIP Symposium on Signal and Information Processing for Smart Grid Infrastructures, 2016.
Member of the program committee for INFORMS Optimization Society Conference 2016.
Associate Editor for European Control Conference 2016.
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2016.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for ACM e-Energy Conference 2016.
Guest Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; Special issue: “Theory of Complex Systems with Applications to Smart Grid Operations”, 2015-2016.
Associate Editor for European Control Conference 2015.
Associate Editor for Conference on Decision and Control 2015.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE SmartGridComm 2015, Symposium: Data Management, Grid Analytics, and Dynamic Pricing.
Member of the program committee for Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2015.
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2015.
Member of the program committee for Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems 2014.
Member of the program committee for Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2014.
Associate Editor for European Control Conference 2014.
Associate Editor for Conference on Decision and Control 2014.
Associate Editor for American Control Conference 2014.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE SmartGridComm 2013, Symposium: Smart Grid Services and Management Models.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE SmartGridComm 2013, Symposium: Support for Storage, Renewable Resources and Micro-grids.
Member of the Technical Program Committee for IEEE SmartGridComm 2013, Symposium: The Whole Picture . Sense, Communicate, Compute, Control.
Member of the International Program Committee of the European Control Conference 2013.
Member of the International Program Committee of IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2013.
Associate Editor for Systems Science & Control Engineering since 2012.
Member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE SmartGridComm 2012.
Member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE SmartGridComm 2011.
Member of the International Program Committee of IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2011.
Conference Organizing
Organizer of the session “Data Analytics for Power Systems” in INFORMS Annual Meeting
Organizer of the session “Panel Discussion on Grand Challenges for Energy Systems” in
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018.
Organizer of the session “Estimation and Learning for Power Systems” in International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming 2018.
Organizer of the session “Control and Optimization Techniques for Power Systems II” in
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017.
Organizer of the session “Nonlinear Optimization Problems for Power Systems” in INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016.
Organizer of the session “Optimization Models in Energy” in International Conference on Continuous Optimization 2016.
Organizer of the session “Large-scale Semidefinite Programs” in INFORMS International Meeting 2016.
Organizer of the session “Efficient Optimization Methods for Power Systems” in INFORMS International Meeting 2016.
Program Co-chair for International Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities 2015.
Organizer of the session “Nonlinear Optimization for Power Systems” in International Symposium on Mathematical Programming 2015.
Co-chair of the symposium “Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing” for IEEE SmartGridComm 2014.
Co-organizer of the panel “The Future of Optimal Power Flow” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2014.
Organizer of the session “Control and Optimization for Smart Grid” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2013.
Co-organizer of the panel “Distributed control: bringing together the power and control communities” in 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
Co-chair of Tutorials and Workshops in 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2012.
Co-chair of the Control & Robotics Symposium in 24th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2011.
Co-chair of the Control & Robotics Symposium in 23rd IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2010.
Session Chair
Chair of the session “Distributed Control III” in American Control Conference 2019.
Co-chair of the session “Control and Estimation for Road Traffic Systems” in 57th
Conference on Decision and Control 2018.
Co-chair of the session “Computational Methods I” in 57th Conference on Decision and
Control 2018.
Chair of the session “Data Analytics for Power Systems” in INFORMS Annual Meeting
Chair of the session “Panel Discussion on Grand Challenges for Energy Systems” in
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018.
Chair of the session “Estimation and Learning for Power Systems” in International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming 2018.
Chair of the session “Predictive Control for Linear Systems” in American Control
Conference 2018.
Co-chair of the session “Optimization and Machine Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and
Applications” in American Control Conference 2018.
Chair of the session “Control and Optimization Techniques for Power Systems II” in
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017.
Chair of the session “Power Systems III” in 56th Conference on Decision and Control
Chair of the session “Decentralized Control” in 56th Conference on Decision and Control
Co-chair of the session “Computational Methods” in 56th Conference on Decision and
Control 2017.
Chair of the session “Power Systems V” in 55th Conference on Decision and Control 2016.
Co-chair of the session “Power Systems I” in 55th Conference on Decision and Control 2016.
Chair of the session “Nonlinear Optimization Problems for Power Systems” in INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016.
Chair of the session “Optimization Models in Energy” in International Conference on Continuous Optimization 2016.
Chair of the session “Large-scale Semidefinite Programs” in INFORMS International Meeting 2016.
Chair of the session “Stochastic Planning in Energy” in INFORMS International Meeting 2016.
Chair of the session “Efficient Optimization Methods for Power Systems” in INFORMS International Meeting 2016.
Chair of the session “Tutorial Session: Nonlinear Programming Challenges in the Optimal Power Flow Problem” in INFORMS Optimization Society Conference 2016.
Chair of the session “Nonlinear Optimization for Power Systems” in International Symposium on Mathematical Programming 2015.
Co-chair of the session “Optimization II” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2015.
Co-chair of the session “LMIs” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2014.
Co-chair of the session “Decentralized and Distributed Control” in 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 2014.
Chair of the session “The Future of Optimal Power Flow” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2014.
Chair of the session “Optimization II” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2013.
Chair of the session “Control and Optimization for Smart Grid” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2013.
Chair of the session “Support for Storage, Renewable Resources and Micro-grids I” in IEEESmartGridComm 2013.
Chair of the session “Distributed control: bringing together the power and control communities” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2012.
Co-chair of the session “Energy Markets” in American Control Conference 2012.
Chair of the session “Biologically-Inspired Methods and Applications” in American Control Conference 2011.
Co-chair of the session “Power Systems II” in American Control Conference 2011.
Co-chair of the session “Stability of Linear Systems” in American Control Conference 2009.
Chair of the session “Stochastic Systems III” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2009.
Reviewer for Journals
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, SIAM Journal on Optimization, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Mathematical Programming Computation, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Global Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Nature Communications, Nature Energy, Systems & Control Letters, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Networks, Automatica, International Journal of Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, IET Generation Transmission& Distribution, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Systems Man & Cybernetics, Journal of Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Mathematical Reviews, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
Selected Talks
Speaker and Panelist at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, for the session “New Advances in Interdisciplinary Research: Bridging Operations Research and PES”, August 2019.
Speaker and Panelist at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, for the session “Research and Educational Experiences of NSF CAREER Awardees in Power Systems”, August 2019.
Distinguished Lecture at the 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), “Efficient Computational Methods for Nonlinear Optimization, Data Analysis, and Learning Problems”,
June 2019.
MIT, “Path to making power systems highly efficient, reliable, resilient, and sustainable”, May 2019.
University of Nevada at Reno, “Efficient Computational Methods for Nonlinear Optimization, Data Analysis, and Learning Problems”, April 2019.
USC, “Efficient Computational Methods for Nonlinear optimization, Data Analysis, and Learning Problems”, February 2019.
Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, “Computational Methods for Nonlinear Power Operational Problems: Convex Reformulations and Near-Linear Time Algorithms”, January 2019.
Sabanci University, “Graph-theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithms, and Case Studies”, January 2019.
Panelist at INFORMS, Special session on grant writing organized by JFIG, November
Tutorial Lecture at American Control Conference, “Low-Rank Optimization and
Energy Systems,” June 2018.
Speaker and Panelist at American Control Conference, Special session on modernization of power
systems organized by NSF, June 2018.
Keynote Speaker IEEE GlobalSIP, for the symposium “Signal and Information Processing for Smart
Grid Infrastructure”, November 2017.
SIAG Prize Lecture at SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, “Graph-
Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization with Applications to Power
Systems and Distributed Control”, July 2017.
Semi-plenary lecture at American Control Conference, “Graph-Theoretic
Convexification of Polynomial Optimization with Applications to Power Systems and
Distributed Control”, May 2017.
Speaker and Panelist at IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Special
session on modernization of power systems organized by NSF, August 2017.
Semi-plenary lecture at American Control Conference, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Power Systems and Distributed Control”, May 2017.
California Institute of Technology, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Power Systems and Distributed Control”, May 2017.
Georgia Institute of Technology, “Graph-theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, December 2016.
Stanford University, “High-performance Optimization Methods and Distributed Control Techniques for Power Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and Case Studies”, December 2016.
University of Maryland, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Power Systems and Distributed Control”, November 2016.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “A Strong Semidefinite Programming Relaxation of the Unit Commitment Problem”, June 2016.
Tutorial for INFORMS Optimization Society Conference (Princeton), “Near-Global Solutions of Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Power Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, March 2016.
UC Berkeley, “Near-Global Solutions of Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Power Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, March 2016.
University of Central Florida, “Near-Global Solutions of Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Power Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, March 2016.
IPAM (UCLA), “Near-Global Solutions of Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, January 2016.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Near-Global Solutions of Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems: Theory, Numerical Algorithm, and Case Studies”, June 2015.
MIT, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems: Theory and Applications”, April 2015.
MIT, “Control and Optimization Techniques for Future Energy Systems”, April 2015.
Carnegie Mellon University, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems: Theory and Applications”, March 2015.
UC Berkeley, “Graph-Theoretic Convexification of Polynomial Optimization Problems: Theory and Applications”, February 2015.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems”, January 2015.
Tutorial for 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithms for Polynomial Optimization Problems”, December 2014.
Georgia Institute of Technology, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Arbitrary Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Distributed Control, Power Systems, and Matrix Completion”, November 2014.
Carnegie Mellon University, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Arbitrary Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Distributed Control, Power Systems, and Matrix Completion”, November 2014.
University of Texas-Austin, “Control and Optimization Techniques for Future Energy Systems”, October 2014.
Texas A&M University, “Control and Optimization Techniques for Future Energy Systems”, October 2014.
Stanford University, “Control and Optimization Techniques for Future Energy Systems”, October 2014.
UC Berkeley, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Arbitrary Polynomial Optimization Problems with Applications to Distributed Control, Power Systems, and Matrix Completion”, October 2014.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Arbitrary Polynomial Optimization Problems”, June 2014.
Google, “Redesign of the Brain of Power Systems using Global Optimization and Distributed Control”, June 2014.
UC Berkeley, “Redesign of the Brain of Power Systems using Global Optimization and Distributed Control”, June 2014.
New York Independent System Operator, “An Efficient Computational Method for Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems”, May 2014.
IBM Ireland, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, April 2014.
Iowa State University, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, April 2014.
NYU, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, February 2014.
CMU, Annual Electricity Conference, “Graph-theoretic Algorithm for Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems”, February 2014.
IBM Watson, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, November 2013.
University of California-Los Angeles, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, October 2013.
Google, “Convex Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Power Systems and Decentralized Control”, October 2013.
ABB, “An Efficient Computational Method for Nonlinear Power Optimization Problems”, August 2013.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Low-Rank Solution for Nonlinear optimization over AC Transmission Networks”, July 2013.
Electric Power Control Centers (EPCC) Workshop, Various Techniques for Nonlinear Energy-Related Optimizations, June 2013.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Optimization Seminar, “Low-Rank Solution for Nonlinear Optimization over Graphs”, March 2013.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Departmental Seminar, “An Efficient Computational Method for Large-Scale Operations Planning in Power Systems”, March 2013.
Rutgers University, DIMACS Workshop on Energy Infrastructure: Designing for Stability and Resilience, “Various Techniques for Nonlinear Energy-Related Optimizations”, February 2013.
Stanford University, Information Systems Laboratory Seminar, “Optimization over Graph with Application to Power Systems”, January 2013.
UC Berkeley, Networking Seminar, “Optimization over Graph with Application to Power Systems”, January 2013.
Caltech, Information Science and Technology Seminar, “Optimization over Graph with Application to Power Systems”, January 2013.
Energy Workshop in Conference on Decision and Control, Robust and Stochastic Control Methods for Sustainable Engineering, “Optimization over Graph with Application to Power Systems”, December 2012.
Concordia University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, “An Efficient Computational Method for Large-Scale Operations Planning in Power Grids”, November 2012.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “An Efficient Computational Method for Large-Scale Operations Planning”, June 2012.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Operation Planning for Electrical Power Networks”, May 2012.
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), “An Efficient Computational Method for Large-Scale Operations Planning”, May 2012.
TomKat Center's Smart Grid Workshop (Stanford University), “Operation Planning for Electrical Power Networks”, April 2012.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Seminar on Directions in Systems and Control, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, March 2012.
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Energy Seminar, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, March 2012.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Computational Science and Engineering Seminar, “Resource Allocation for Electrical Power Networks”, March 2012.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, March 2012.
Columbia University, Joint Seminar for Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, March 2012.
Princeton University, Joint Seminar for Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, February 2012.
UC San Diego, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, February 2012.
UC Santa Barbara, Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, February 2012.
UC San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, “Modernization of Electrical Power Networks”, February 2012.
UC Berkeley, Networking Seminar, “Convexification of Nonlinear Optimizations Associated With Power Networks”, November 2011.
University of Pennsylvania, Market and Social Systems Engineering Seminar, “Challenges in Modernization of Electrical Power Networks: Operation Planning and Market Design”, November 2011.
UC Berkeley, Energy Seminar for IEOR, “Challenges in Modernization of Electrical Power Networks: Operation Planning & Market Design”, November 2011.
Lund University, Workshop on Dynamics, Control and Pricing in Power Systems, “Hidden Convexity in Fundamental Optimization Problems in Power Networks”, May 2011.
Caltech, Social and Information Sciences Laboratory Seminar, “Hidden Convexity in Fundamental Optimization Problems in Power Networks”, April 2011.
Cornell University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, “Complex Large-Scale Systems: From Antenna Circuits to Electricity Grids”, March 2011.
University of Michigan, Electrical Engineering Seminar, “Complex Large-Scale Systems: From Antenna Circuits to Electricity Grids”, March 2011.
MIT, Aeronautics and Astronautics Seminar, “Synthesis of Complex Large-Scale Control Systems”, March 2011.
Stanford University, Electrical Engineering & Precourt Institute for Energy Seminar, “Complex Large-Scale Systems: From Antenna Circuits to Electricity Grids”, February 2011.
Caltech, RSRG Seminar, “Synthesis of Complex Large-Scale Control Systems”, January 2011.
UIUC, Communications Seminar, “Optimal Wireless Protocol and Devices”, November 2010.
UIUC, Decision and Control Seminar, “Hidden Convexity in Fundamental Optimization Problems in Power Systems”, November 2010.
Ohio State University, MURI meeting, “Optimal Wireless Protocols and Devices”, October 2010.